Saturday, February 15, 2014

Watching God

I am watching God pull the threads of my life together.  He is taking what I thought was bad, or insignificant, anything but a God-thing, and turning it into my purpose.  I'm 49, closing in quickly on 50, and for the first time in my life I feel like I am beginning to see what I am here for.  I know, I mean really know, that God is taking everything in my life and is using and going to use it for good.

See Romans 8:28

When I finally began to realize that God really is good, right, smarter than me, and Someone I can trust 100% of the time, the pressures start to diminish.  Circumstances don't become perfect but you know that there is purpose to everything.  And to quote an old friend of mine, "God's got it".  Whatever IT is, He really does have IT.  He had IT before IT was an IT.  OK, sorry.  Enough of that.  But, "it's true".  He really does have your whatever.  Whatever seems hard, whatever is causing you heartache or pain, whatever is making up your life story at the moment - IT isn't a surprise to God.  He is using it for a piece of His story.  The thing is - realizing that and giving it all to Him for His glory.

Everything in our lives is meant for His glory.  I gladly lay down my struggles, my ideas, my comforts, my plans in exchange for His plans for me.  Where I'll end up, only He knows.  The end result that I am longing for is to one day hear Him say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant".

Friday, February 14, 2014

So Many Changes

I'm not gone.  Just going thru many needed changes in my life.  I am so thankful for my God who values me too much to let me stay the same.  I'll be back on my blog soon (I hope).  And it is all for His glory,...